Aisha and Nanahoshi

Nanahoshi and Aisha doujin from
>Does nanahoshi-san like older men? >Wait a minute, what are you suddenly talking about? (Also, sorry for dropping it) >You don't, right--, the thing is yesterday brother...
>Me and nanahoshi marrying? >You are still going about that huh Aisha-san >I can. There's the incident with eris-nee, and there's nothing more untrustworthy than onii-chan's "not anymore" >Sorry about that... >But me and nanhoshi, do we look like that? >Very clearly! >How? >I mean, you are always worried about nanahoshi-san
>Also, I hear a lot of things from sylphy-nee you know >Like how all through the research in the university and her drain disease incident the mood between you gradually improved >Also there are those times where you both have talks in some language no one knows right? >No.. well, you see... >"it feels like nanhoshi san's always tense about something, but she makes a calm expression when she talks alone with rudy" someone said. >Aaa--, who will be the one that makes sylphy-nee feel the same-- >forgive me... >That's why your cute little sister keeps a grasp on greyrat manor's pulse and advises you >They really don't have faith in me, huh... (crying) >Although we don't think about each other like that at all... >looks like you are very confident in saying that >She even said there's some one she loves, you see >Ehh!?
>Really--!! Who is it, who, who!? >Ehh? Aa, no... it's not like I asked her about the details... >Well, but... there' probably no doubt he is in a far away place >Ehhhh? What's that, like they are seperated by some laws of nature type of thing? >, how should I put it. It seems so far away but maybe it's closer than you think.... >That said, I should be going now! >I don't understand... so it's not a problem of distance...?
>maybe something about their social position...? >[Asura kingdom's mainstay, armored dragon king pergius] >I thought maybe it's something like that >That man! (chattering about other people) >So it was like that! >No, that's completely wrong. (And why do you look happy?) >I am being taken care of by pergius sama and I am grateful for it... >But it's not like I particularly love him, and the same goes for rudeus >That said about brother...ever feel like falling for him? >Wait a min Aisha!
>...well, yeah >I don't know, maybe if he incessantly went after me >During the university and also with the drain disease, it's true I was saved by him. it's also a fact I feel a sense of relief talking with him, being from the same place and all. >Honestly, I would have probably fell for him if sylphy wasn't there. >...just kidding >It's just a joke >[They thought she was being serious for a while]