Volume 1 Bonus Short - The Grey Colored Ratboy

Note: Read all of this in the voice of a thickly accented sleazy person who is trying to ingratiate himself to you. If any nip speaking anon good at accents sees mistakes, tell me. Also “rat boy” refers to this real-life person - https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/鼠小僧次郎吉_(大佛次郎) Pdf here - https://files.catbox.moe/h9pfht.pdf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hehe, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rudeus Greyrat. I am an uncool thievish thief who calls a village in the sticks his base. This uncool me has been on this path for five years. I made a fair amount of name for myself, and now I am called something like “The ratboy of Buena village” on the streets. A Greyrat ratboy. If I wackily wacked myself saying how wise this sounds, even the father in heaven(Sun) would probably laugh and forgive me. Putting my skills to work while the heavenly father rolls around in laughter clutching his stomach and turns a blind eye is my modus operandi. Well then. It’s a big job this time. Targeting a big catch, this thing is certainly going to be a jackpot. My hands and legs feel like shaking, me having not done such a big job till now. That said, that’s all it is. With my hands and legs filled with the skills of these five years, I am able to keep them under control. I can do sneaky steps, silent steps, invisible steps, and much more with my limbs listening to what I say. Now then, with my limbs that don’t tremble anymore, let’s set about our work. The mark is Greyrat house. The two who live here is an average-looking husband and the beautiful lady of the house. They are always engrossed in being lovey-dovey with each other. Every night, they strive utmost to make a brother or sister for their one and only son. Well, I am not the one to criticize these things. Because it’s due to that I am going to get my hands on the goods. Let me see now. Even if I said I am a thief, unlike the great thief, master jirokichi, I don’t have the skill to challenge it head on. If I go at it from the front, I will be getting the tied-up reception in no time. However, what can’t be stolen through brute skill can be stolen with brains. As for the first step..., And the maid carrying a wicker basket filled with laundry appeared. If we are talking about the maid’s morning work, it’s always between doing laundry, cooking, or going shopping. The weather’s great today with the heavenly father shining brightly. Certainly nice for the laundry to dry. After making sure that the maid went off to do laundry I turned my steps towards the kitchen. No one’s in the kitchen or the living room. The married couple went on an outing today. With the manor’s only son’s teacher out on some work since morning, the only ones left in the house are the maid and me. Meaning as long as I can hold down the maid, the goods will be mine. Hehe, this maid is one fine woman even if expressionless. Appearing cold and not showing a hint of lust normally, but brings out her womanly face when she is beside the lord of the house. The face at that time is usually completely smitten with lust. Even I tremble like a rat thinking of the day when the lady of the house will turn into a demon because the lord laid his hands on the maid. To think that I am already a rat boy, hehe. Nevertheless, this maid is a bothersome woman. Whenever I innocently extend my hand towards the treasure I get slapped away, on the back of my hand. Be that as it may, this is the place where I have put my brains on the show. I immediately walked to the water jug, with a cup in my hand, acting as if though I am going to scoop the water inside the jug right away. The water jug’s still as tall as me. Oh no, how troublesome trying to scoop some water out of this jug. Thinking so, I laid my hands on the edge of the jug and pulled it down with all my might. The jug fell with a great sound. Hearing that, the maid got flustered, left the laundry, and came flying in. This probably looks like a cruel spectacle to her. The kitchen full of water splashed out from the jug, and me dripping wet. Look upon the results of my skilled workmanship. “Ah, sorry Lilia-san. I tried to get some water but, uhm, I made it fall down...” Even so, the maid didn’t even let out a sigh. Is this what you call an ironwoman. “Rudeus-sama. You didn’t get hurt anywhere?” “Ah, yes” “Then, please go to the washing place, undress, and put your clothes in the basket. There’s a towel at the usual place, so please dry yourself with that and change your clothes. Can you do it by yourself?” “Yes. Uhh, what about Lilia-san?” “I will take care of this first” “Yes, umm, I am sorry increasing your work” “I don’t mind” “I will be sure to help with it later” Like that, while playing out a charming act, I headed towards the washing place with my feet light as feathers. And then I stealthily took the treasure away from the place with no one around. The treasure’s still moist when it entered into my possession. Oh, how exciting to think it’s still moist even though it’s just about to get washed. If I bring it along with me like this and take a deep whiff burying my face in it, I can’t describe the greatness of it…. It’s probably this kind of thing they are talking about when they say some things can’t be expressed in words. And that's how this Rudeus Greyrat accidentally got possession of Roxy’s panties on a passing fancy.