Volume 16 Bonus Short - Eris’s Reading

PDF here - https://files.catbox.moe/csp2ve.pdf If anyone can find the raws for Vol 8+ shop bonus stories please contact me at aishachadtl@gmail.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On a certain day, a few days after entering the library labyrinth. On that day too I walked here and there searching the library for material on Gaunis. But without any results, I returned to the camp and that’s when I saw that. I saw an unbelievable thing. It’s Eris. That Eris is reading a book seriously for some reason. It’s a rare thing. Eris who opened however many books since coming to the labyrinth whenever she got bored and then closed and returned them to the shelf with a scowling face saying she can’t read them. And that Eris is reading a book seriously with concentration with not a hint of frown. No, if it’s just that I would have probably thought she is just having a look. But Eris’s eyes are moving are following the pace calmly, and her mouth breaks into a smile turning the page time to time. There’s no doubt, she is enjoying the read. Maybe the sky is going to fall soon. While having those rude thoughts, I got interested in the contents of the book. After all, it’s a book that got THAT Eris to read it seriously, you know? There’s no doubt it got something very entertaining or useful thing written in it. Even if that’s not the case maybe I will get to know what type of content Eris likes. It will be useful while looking for a present later. So, I tried to get a peek from behind. Rarely does she read something with good feeling, so it’s wrong to disturb her. “.........” I thought it’s a picture book for a moment. Because, three fourths of the paage is occupied by a big picture of a cat. But I realised it’s somehow wrong in a short time. It’s because there’s a big “White twintailed cat” written on the top and an arrow was drawn from the picture with information about the animal written tightly in small characters at its end. And there’s a similar description of a different type of cat on the page beside it. When Eris turned the page, again two new cats appeared. Eris face slackened a bit. Her gaze slowly moved to the top of the pictures in the opened pages. It’s just that it feels like she is skimming over their names and the descriptions. After reading them, on to the next page. Not just the cats, there’s also dogs included. Seems like an illustrated reference guide for dogs and cats. Eris is in deep concentration. While concentrating so much that makes me even doubt whether she concentrates this much during our mock battles, she turned the page, and then her focus maxed out. “!!!” Eris’s face moved a few centimeters close to the page. The picture drawn is of a cat. Maybe because it’s an important cat, it’s picture stretches across both the pages. A slender and beautiful cat. The illustration is not colored but seems like its fur is dark purple. It got two tails with their ends sharp like blades. With these tails, its fangs and nails combined with the frenzied way of fighting it takes down its enemies. The size is a little smaller than Leo. A few are domesticated by the indegenous people, called “God’s Hunting Cat” and acts friendly with them. Seems like just like a dog they go along with hunters into the depths of the forest and hunt down the demonic beasts. It’s habitat is the jungle in the central part of begaritt continent. There’s also a picture of its kitten and looking that Eris let out a “Hou….” And surprisingly she moved her eyes towards the letters as if to read them. “It’s two tails move on their own like whips and evi-evisk...” “Eviscerate the enemies” “!!” Eris immediately lifted her face up. On meeting my face her, as I look her mouth turned into a へ. “Wh-what Rudeus! You were here!?” “Yes I was” Apparently she didn’t notice me until now. “S-so you were” “Well please continue reading without minding me” When I said that Eris reddened slightly and returned her face to the book. But maybe because I was being conspicuous, she is taking little glances at me. “That’s right Rudeus!” “What?” “Let’s get a cat” “No” “Why!” “We already got the holy beast, an Armadillo and a treant at home so there’s no way to care for it ” While mumbling disappointedly saying “Isn’t it fine if it’s just one more” and returned her gaze to the book. Well a single cat won’t be that much of a bother, but as for going as far as begaritt continent to get one, please give me a break. Thinking so, when I looked at eris she again started concentrating hard.This what people mean when they say that people will try hard for things they like. “Hey Rudeus, how do you read this?” “Sharpening the claws” For a while after I kept Eris company, helping her with reading the hard parts.