Volume 3 Bonus Short - The Characters called Left(左) and Right(右)

PDF here - https://files.catbox.moe/awntrg.pdf Also, if anyone can find the raws for Vol 8+ shop bonus stories please contact me at aishachadtl@gmail.com Here exists a character called Right(右). It’s a character created by attaching ナ to the left of the mouth(口). And just like the character reads, it points towards your right. When you face north, your right is the side east is in. It’s the side that holds the chopsticks for a right-handed person, and the world is generally molded to favor the right-handed. The character that takes the opposite form is Left(左). It’s a character formed by attaching ナ to the left of the artisan(工). And just as it reads, it points towards your left. When you face north, your left is the side west is in. It’s the side that holds the rice bowl for a right-handed person, and the world is generally a bit cold towards the left-handed. That said, even if there are some differences, they are the different sides of the same coin, like shadow and light. Where right exists, left does. When right is born, left is born as well, and when left vanishes right goes along with it. If a pair of things exist, humans will rank them. They will decide which one’s better and line them up from the right, or maybe they will do it from the left. But again, there also exist some things in the world that are hard to rank. For example, the ones in front of me right now are such things. I won’t disclose what they are, but I will say these should always come in pairs. If you talk from the view of functionality, even one would be fine. But from an artistic point of view, it won’t do if they don’t come in pairs. But according to one measure, it seems like even the right and left here have a bit of difference. I think that I should find the truth in it by feeling them myself. I will probably be refused, but this is something that’s instigated by intellectual curiosity. Definitely not because of any wicked thoughts. “Fumu” For this reason, I fondled Eris’s chest as she sleeps beside me with a snore. While still being mostly flat, I can feel the slight rise. This is a chest in the process of growing. But does the right and left here really have any difference? I wonder how it is. Even if it’s just a bit, maybe the right one’s softer? Wait, wait, I am right-handed. Maybe the feel differs by whether you use left or right hand. Let’s reverse them and touch the chest with the opposite hands. I keep the feeling from the first test in my mind. Both were soft without a doubt. “Umu!” And this time as well….soft. Umu, it’s really soft, and honestly, I feel like I can spend all my life doing this. But as for the difference, I don’t really get it. Left and right, left and right…. What could be the difference between left and right? Ah, just now, I feel like I have reached some truth. The truth of the world, the space’s will, Galaxy~. The secret hidden inside the characters called left and right, that is-----------. “..........ah” Being inattentive for a moment spelled my doom. I nearly fainted when Eris punched me in the jaw with wide-open eyes and pinned me to the ground, straddling me. Making a short work, my left and right hands are pinned down by her knees in the blink of an eye. This is the mount position Eris is good at. “When someone’s finally got to get some good sleep, where the hell are you touching!” A solid fist fell down like a hammer. Right, left, right, left, right, left. Overwhelming violence without a hint of restrain assaulted my face. Maybe she intends to hit me as many times as I fondled her chest. How many times did I fondle them? I can’t remember as I played with them for a pretty long time trying to find out the difference between the two sides. Even though I am thinking with a cool head like this, no wonder I sensed danger to my life. Maybe Ruijerd or someone would come and stop this in a moment. No, bearing the damage is the natural fate for someone who brought on the disaster by their own actions. Right, left, right, left. Aah, my consciousness is leaving me. And at this moment I noticed something. The truth from a moment ago. In the words called left and right(左右)..... hides the simple word called “ero”(エロ). Meaning that boobs are erotic because they exist as a pair, a left one, and a right one. And about the moment I reached the conclusion, I died. “Haah…!” I opened my eyes at that instant. Beside me, Eris is sleeping uneasily, tossing over and over. My face looks like the usual beautiful me, without any swelling on it. I could see the little rise on Eris’s chest rising and falling in sync with her breath. Normally I would want to touch, fondle and lick those small pair of hills, but today they look like fearsome things. Boobs are erotic because they come in a pair. Thinking that it’s good fortune that I managed to understand such a great thing without the need to touch, I once again laid down on my side. Please let me have erotic dreams without the punching this time.