Volume 3 Bonus Short - Sneaking Mission

PDF here - https://files.catbox.moe/04ympu.pdf If anyone can find the raws for Vol 8+ shop bonus stories please contact me at aishachadtl@gmail.com At the moment, I am in the middle of advancing sneakily to a ridge, heading towards the east. The destination I am aiming for is just about 50 meters away from where I started. It will take some time to explain why I am doing this. At the dawn today, while I am making preparations for the meal, the captain spoke. “Rudeus, it’s a mission. There’s a spring about 50 meters from here. Infiltrate it alone, find Eris Boreas Greyrat, and get her on camera” Receiving those orders, I immediately set on the task. Captain’s orders are absolute. Disobedience is not allowed. Thinking so, after moving about 10 meters from the campfire at the place of departure, I stopped. There’s a skinhead with a scary face standing as if he is cutting off my path. “Captain, a guard spotted. It’s a demon with a white spear and a headband” “It’s likely the Ruijerd of the Dead-End. Try to give him the slip somehow and reach our destination” I turned my nose at how vague the order “give him the slip somehow” sounds, but what’s important for a mission is the ability to adjust to the changing situations. I have been in many similar situations to the date. I managed to live through the situations with a head command that doesn’t know about the situation on the ground, and incompetent superiors. I can do this. “Ruijerd-san, I am going to the toilet for a moment.” “Ah, understood” Good, it’s a success. I proceeded on with a nonchalant face, boldly, straight towards the east. There’s nothing suspicious so there’s no problem going this way, I will be just doing it midway. Putting on this act, I advanced towards the destination slipping through the guard’s mental guard. “Rudeus” “!” But I was called to a halt. Where could I have made a mistake? “Don’t go too far” “Of course” I replied energetically and started to walk again. I don’t intend to do anything different from my word on not going too far. All the while reasoning in my heart that a distance of fifty meters is only as far as the eyes are from the nose. “........” I walked 10, then 20 meters. I turned back to look after reaching the halfway mark but I couldn’t see Ruijerd under the ridge’s shadow. I can’t see the spring as well, hidden by the cliff. Maybe I can go a bit further. If possible, I want to watch her secretly without getting caught and happily reminisce on the scene after. But it’s impossible to escape from Ruijerd’s eye. The possibility that he can catch up with me in the remaining 25 meters and make me return back with him is high. What to do…. as I thought, I should just dash for it. Even if I get found I can take a photo as long as it could get the view even for a second. And, at that moment, I remembered something. “A serious problem, captain!” “What happened Rudeus!” “There’s no camera!” It’s a serious issue. If it was the previous world I could get a camera that can take clear photos at whatever distance for just a few thousand yen…..no you don’t even need that much. You can probably get a disposable camera for around 500 yen. But this is a different world. Things like cameras don’t exist. This mission was impossible from the start. “Rudeus. If it’s your heart’s viewfinder, it’s bound to photograph even more vividly than those cameras. Carve the memory into your heart.” Carve the memory into the heart. I resolved myself to my duty after being taught those precious words. “Understood, captain……!” The shutter speed of my heart’s viewfinder surpasses even light. So it’s fine even if it’s just a moment, only a moment, as long as it gets in my view. “All right!” I broke into a run. The distance to Ruijerd is 25 meters. The distance to the destination is 25 meters as well. Concepts like relative velocity are irrelevant to Ruijerd, so he could probably catch up to me. But it’s fine even if it’s only a moment, just one moment! I ran. I ran. Even as I tripped, I ran. Ten meters. Twenty meters. On the other side of that cliff, an otherworldly scene is waiting for me. “Augghaa!” The very next moment after the thought, I was grabbed by the collar and lifted up. “What exactly are you doing, you…...” It was Ruijerd. Seems like he already caught up. How fast! To think it wasn’t even two seconds… “Sorry, captain! Mission’s a failure…….!” “Captain? What are you even saying” “I tried to endure it Ruijerd, but I had to give in, I really wanted to see it by any means!” While continuing to grab me by the scruff, he replied looking flabbergasted. “..........You, do you want to see something like that?” “Yes, of course, I would want to see it, you know?” When I replied that it doesn’t even need to be asked, he raised me high. “See” Being held up by the tall Ruijerd, I was easily able to see the other side of the cliff. But is it fine if I see it? My heart’s viewfinder won’t let the image fade to sepia you know? “......huh?” A giant tortoise-looking demonic beast is laying eggs by the spring. “Great king tortoises are calm natured for magical beasts and are useful as a food source. So don’t disturb them while they lay eggs. Didn’t I explain it?” Ruijerd looks dumbfounded. Ah, now that he mentions it I feel like I heard it before. That there are two springs. And to bathe, because one’s being used by the great king tortoise, use the other one. Meaning… I got the direction wrong. “You wanted to see this?” “...........Well, because it’s something you get to see rarely, right” After that, we continued to observe the great king tortoise’s egg-laying. Let’s just say that the spectacle of a giant tortoise spawning basket ball-like eggs looked real mysterious and got preserved by my heart’s viewfinder as a memory that will never fade away.