Volume 4 Bonus Short - Sermon

PDF here - https://files.catbox.moe/alhxjk.pdf If anyone can find the raws for Vol 8+ shop bonus stories please contact me at aishachadtl@gmail.com In the Great Forest, during monsoons. Two men are sitting together in the Dedoldia village. “Listen Gyes, this is something you ought to know being a warrior yourself” “...Haa” Ruijerd and Gyes, sitting beside the path. Ruijerd is holding a fishing rod with the line’s end in the muddy currents in the Great Forest that turned to sea. The line has no bobber. Even if there’s one it would probably be useless in the muddy torrent. “The youngsters these days may call themselves warriors but they don’t know what makes a true warrior” “...Yes, as you say” “Do you know it? What makes someone a true warrior?” “...no, I still have a lot to learn” Gyes sits in seiza facing ruijerd who is sitting relaxed and fishing, “What do you think it is?” Ruijerd continues to stare motionlessly at the water. “......I think a true warrior is a strong being, strongest and most gallant of the village and an admirable existence….probably” “No, a warrior is about being strong in heart. It’s fine if they are weak in strength” Gyes hid his tail between his legs, hit by Ruijerd’s strong stare. “You passed by children on the path just before, didn’t you?” “......Yes” “And even while seeing that they stood close to the edge, you brazenly went through” Dedoldia village is built on top of trees. Wooden passages are laid out between trees such that you can pass from one end to the other without stepping a foot on the ground. But there are a few places where the path is too narrow, just barely wide enough to let two adults pass by each other. Just a moment ago Gyes passed by his daughter Minitona on just such path. Minitona gave way and he walked through like it’s natural and Rudeus seeing that, angrily called him to a halt. “......Is there something about that?” “SOMETHING about that?” Ruijerd’s prickly gaze made Gyes curl his ears down. Gyes can hear a pitiable whine leaking out of his throat. “You, what would you have done if they fell down?” “O-of course, I will jump after them and save them” “I am not talking about that! Giving way so that they won’t fall down is how a warrior should act is what I am saying!” It can’t be so, Gyes thought. Giving in to the stronger person is the beastmen’s way. Someone like a head of a clan giving way sets bad example for others. For them strength is justice…...but the man before Gyes is overwhelmingly stronger than him and is Gyes’s benefactor. Dedoldia clan will never forget a favor. He can’t say yes or no. This mood made him hesitate in his words. “......What’s your reply” Someone, please save me. The one who was hit by such a look is one young boy in a grey robe. The boy------------Rudeus received his stare and approached them with a looking inconvenienced. “Did something happen?” “Mm, Rudeus, you see Gyes-----------” On listening to the story, Rudeus nodded like he grasped the issue. “But normally, putting on a strong front and letting children feel a sense of security is also a warrior’s duty right?” “Mm…. is it so?” “Yes, I know because I too feel secure by Ruijerd-san’s presence” “I see….. then it’s fine. Sorry, Gyes. Seems like I was mistaken” The moment Gyes saw Ruijerd flip his opinion so easily, Rudeus’s rank increased a level in his heart. “Well then, I will return to my work” “Sorry for pulling you aside” “Please don’t mind…...” Gyes stood up and turned to face Rudeus with his tail swaying slightly. “Rudeus-dono, please enjoy our hospitality at your leisure” “.......? Yes, please let me until the monsoon’s end” While looking at the leaving Gyes, Ruijerd lifted his fishing pole. At the end of the line, a single fish that’s still young is flopping around. “.........” Ruijerd returned the fish back to the murky stream without a word and continued fishing without any bait.