Volume 5 Bonus Short - Bargain Sale

PDF here - https://files.catbox.moe/w76z9n.pdf If anyone can find the raws for Vol 8+ shop bonus stories please contact me at aishachadtl@gmail.com On a certain street in the Holy Millis Kingdom. There’s a lot of footfall in this street even though it’s a bit away from the main thoroughfare. And at by the side of this path, a young boy raises his voice in a call. “Come here, come here, Come and see these!” Several stone statues are spread on a cloth before him, ranging from caricatures of animals to human-looking things. Most of them are inexpensive that even a child could buy them with his pocket money. But there’s a costly item as well. It’s an extremely well-made doll placed in the most conspicuous location. A statue of a young man with a crisp-looking face wielding a spear, its displayed price is about the amount a Millis commoner could earn with a whole month’s work. “This one here is the statue of the rare Superd clan you know!” People stopped and looked at the statue hearing those words. There are a lot of people who are told that Superds will come and eat them if they do something bad and in turn, now tell the same thing to their children. But there’s none who saw a Superd in person. Superds have emerald green hair and a red jewel on their forehead. They know that much about the Superd race but that’s all they know. The situation is that a certain section of scholars even reason that Superds are just someone’s fantasy cooked up a long time ago. Hearing there’s a statue of such a fearsome demon tribe, there’s a lot of people stopping to look. “Ho, so this is what Superds look like…..” “Yes sir. It’s hard to tell from being not painted but this is a genuine Superd, yes” The young boy rubbing his hands, approached the sturdily built man with a merchant-like appearance as he stopped by and crouched down to look. The boy’s face is plastered with a slimy smile that makes one feel unpleasant. ‘Ah, this is the face of a man out to swindle’ the merchant thought immediately. The young boy didn’t have a scrap of such intention but the merchant thought so. For some unknown reason. (To be cheating people at such age, how lamentable…..well, let me teach him a hard lesson) With a strained smile, the merchant pointed his hand at the Superd statue and raised his voice. “Oi, Oi, Superds are supposed to have emerald green hair. And you can’t tell that from this stone statue. How could someone believe this is a genuine superd without that?” A child cannot possibly answer this. If I ask him this, he will get flustered and withdraw. Or so the merchant thought, but the young boy continued to furiously rub his hands with an extremely disgusting smile. “To tell you the truth, I thought someone would say that and brought a real Superd with me” “Eh!” “Well then, Ruijerd-san, it’s your turn on the stage” The young boy called into the back alley away from the merchant’s view. At those words, people around turned their gazes towards the scene wondering what this is about. A single man slowly appeared from the alley. With dangerous-looking eyes, a pure white three-pronged spear, wearing the same clothes as the statue, with a red gem on his forehead, and on his head a dazzling emerald green…………….seaweed. “Nn?” It’s seaweed. It gets harvested a lot near the sea. No one would wear one on their head though. “Nonononono! You may think ‘isn’t this just seaweed’ but wait a moment! it’s still too early to be shocked!” The young boy said that and jumped, taking off the seaweed. Is the emerald hair’s under the seaweed……? Or so they thought but what appeared was a skinhead. The rough head with even eyebrows shaved and the red jewel are bathed in sunlight and let out an unpleasant glare. The boy raises his voice further at the puzzled people. “For those of you who are disappointed thinking ‘This person’s not it, despite being a Superd he doesn’t even have hair! This world’s just cruel!’... ” While saying this, the boy raised the Superd statue in his hand. “This one’s different from that fake over there, this one’s a genuine Superd with hair!” Shouting that, he pulled off the statue’s head with a plop. No, it’s not the head that he took off. The head is still in its place. It’s hair, only the hair got free from the head. And the one that appeared underneath is the person whose seaweed got taken away just a moment ago. This skinhead male’s stone statue looks exactly like the person in question. “How is it brothers, would you still call this stone statue a fake?” Looking at this dumbfounded, the merchant thought. This is probably not a genuine Superd statue from the beginning. And, the person standing like a dimwit here is also not a true Superd. But see the crowd’s reaction. Seeing a statue that can get its hair off and the grim person who looks just like the said statue, they are laughing at the scene. This is not a swindle, this is a performance. A technique to advertise your trade, stealing people’s attention and making them gather around. But what could this achieve? This is Holy Millis kingdom. A country where Millis church extends its controls to the corners and there’s even a Demon opposing faction in the church. A Superd’s statue. It’s an interesting idea but there won’t be a buyer who would risk the attention of the demon opposing faction by buying it. He should understand that much but…. “.......nn? What’s this, lad?” Then merchant let his eyes wander over to the other dolls. There’s an egg-like thing that stood upright despite having a round bottom. There’s something like a face drawn in black on it but all of them are probably same. “That would be the self-righting doll. Even if you flick it with your finger like this, it will stand again without falling over, you see” Saying that the young boy flicked the egg-like thing over. As he said, the doll bounced straight back without falling over, returning to its original position while swaying round and round. “ooooh” Interesting, merchant thought. The other people who gathered around started to look at other dolls like they are thinking the same. ‘So, that’s how it is”, the merchant came to an understanding at the same time. Superd clan’s statue is simply something to draw a crowd over. The main goal is this miscellaneous collection of dolls. Skillful business this is. Not something like a swindle and such, but a splendidly thought strategy. “Why, I see I see. Certainly, it’s the true thing. Sorry for doubting you” “Right?” “Maybe I should buy one as an apology” Saying that, the merchant took a self-righting doll in his hand. “Eh? Aa… yes, please visit again” Even though he got to sell one of his merchandise, the young boy’s face didn’t seem happy. But the merchant knows that’s how it sould be. Only by trying to show that he intends to sell the super statue would he make customers buy other products. “Well then, good luck in your work” “Thanks and please visit again” The merchant walked away from the boy’s open stall, seeing from the corner of his eye that the other customers are gathering around to buy the other dolls. While vowing to himself that he would also try something like this. In the evening. The young boy Rudeus’s stall emptied out. The things he made so that the sole original merchandise won’t be alone, the “Self-righting doll(okiagarikobushi)”, the “monkey amulets(sarubobo)”, the “cow toy(akabeko)” are sold out. There’s only one thing left behind. It’s the Superd’s statue….. Ruijerd doll. The one he wanted to sell the most is left unsold for some reason. “.....Seems like I did something wrong” Rudeus squatted down and grumbled. Sitting beside him Ruijerd looked at Rudeus and then at the thing beside his feet and said simply. “It’s the seaweed” “So it is the seaweed huh” As he thought, seaweed’s no good. He should use something else for the wig next time. While having those thoughts, the two continued to look at the setting sun. NOTE: 1. If it's unclear about the fake/real part, he means that if a fake can call himself a real superd without hair, then the statue is for sure a genuine article because it got its hair on. 2.Please look up on the names in the parantheses if you are interested in japanese toys.