Volume 5 Bonus Short - Roxy’s Ideal

PDF here - https://files.catbox.moe/sia8qq.pdf If anyone can find the raws for Vol 8+ shop bonus stories please contact me at aishachadtl@gmail.com Somewhere, some town in Demon continent, two women are sitting together by the roadside. “We came up empty this time too, didn’t we” “Yes, but we are getting closer for sure” It’s Roxy and Elinalise. They are watching the street, in low spirits because they didn’t manage to get any important information this time as well. There isn’t much talk going on, as there isn’t much of anything to talk about. All they have to do is wait listlessly for Talhand to bring his information over. But it seems like Roxy’s the only one who thought so. “Ara, that’s a nice man” Elinalise narrowed her eyes seductively looking at a man on the street, and even started licking her lips. “Roxy, I will be leaving for a mome-” “No, you won’t” Roxy immediately put a stop to Elinalise’s transformation into a club hostess. “Jeez, Roxy is still a cute little child isn’t she” Roxy broke a vein at being called a cute little child. While she herself thinks there are some childish parts to her but she is most certainly not a child anymore. “No, I am not turning my nose up at those type of things or anything, I am just saying do it after Talhand returns and we put our information together” “Aa--, Well…. fine” Elinalise said and sat back with a thump. She is a man-loving slut who lives just to do them, but she is not a person stupid enough to get her priorities wrong. “.......” The two continued to stare at the people filing by. It’s exactly noon and the sun’s high in the sky. It’s not that hot if you sit in the shadows but the sun’s glare is piercing and there are a lot of people drenched in sweat passing by. And then, Elinalise eyes narrowed again. “Roxy, a bit ahead on your right side, the black-skinned Demon with the big nose” “That should be the Pozzo tribe guy, right?....is there something about him?” Roxy asked in return, gripping the staff under robe at Elenalise’s serious demeanor. Elinalise continued with a tense face. “That face, that gait, there’s no doubt about it….” “.........” Roxy tensed up thinking maybe it’s someone famous with a bounty on his head. They are not interested in bounties but anyone would become tense if they know that a mass murderer is passing in front of them. “THAT thing should be large, no doubt about it” Roxy did a double-take. She probably means the reproductive organ with THAT. “What are you even saying with that serious face?” “I always evaluate things seriously you know” “.............you can know about THAT by just having a look?” Elinalise turned towards Roxy with a happy face and an obscene smile like a pervy geezer. “Ara, ara, is Roxy interested?” “F-for future reference, and there’s no harm in knowing…..” “Hehe, is that so….of course you won’t know everything just from looking” Then the lecture started. She proceeded to say that those with big noses have large THOSE, those with a confident gait are well-bred, men who are not confident in their THAT are passionate, and that short men tend to be desperate. “I-I see, it’s very educational” The talk’s credibility is doubtful but Roxy listened to it seriously. “But the most important thing is whether they are to our liking or not” “Our liking, is it?” “Relatively speaking, I can go with anyone, but even I have some partners I can’t accept instinctually. If you chose a bad partner for your first, the bad feeling will forever stick after with that” Roxy thought over what Elinalise said. There’s no reason to believe Elinalise is lying. Roxy is a passionate learner. “Roxy’s taste, how does it lean?” “About that….” Roxy thought a bit while looking at the people passing by in the street. Nearly all of them are of Demon race with other races not visible at all. This is the Demon continent after all. “As I thought, it’s the human race” “Ara, is that so?” “Yes. Migurds does not suit demon races’ sense of beauty but I heard some humans like our looks” It’s a pitiful reason if someone puts it like that themselves. But Elinalise didn’t say anything. Because selecting someone that matches your height is also part of chemistry between people. “I see, and then?” “And then…… I think I would like someone tall. Someone I need to lift my head to look at would be my choice. And also, the chest should be sturdy, but not too brawny, I like them to look slender, they should be just sturdy enough to make me go “ah, how robust” when I touch them…………. As for the face, instead of having a face that would match the Asuran idea of beauty, I would like it to be a bit plain looking. And then, I think someone who would love me would be best. Like instead of looking at me constantly, more like the kind that laughs when eyes meet by accident while I look up at him. And about other things……… Aa, it’s fine if he is not rich, in fact, because I want to do work, I would like someone who would allow it. Seems like there are some men who want to shut women in their houses after marriage, but I want freedom. Of course, if the lord of the house says “You are my thing. I won’t let you out of my house”, I intend to follow it but…..” And then, Roxy realized that Elinalise is staring at her with a dumb grin on her face. “Roxy, no one talks it to the marriage you know” “~~~~~~~~~~~~~!” Roxy blushed furiously and dragged her hat down to hider her face. She fantasized too much. Seeing Roxy like this, Elinalize thought something. “She won’t be getting her man until this work’s done huh……..” The day Roxy gets a boyfriend is still far away.