Volume 6 Bonus Short - Eris’s Cooking in 3 Minutes

PDF here - https://files.catbox.moe/jvbvhc.pdf If anyone can find the raws for Vol 8+ shop bonus stories please contact me at aishachadtl@gmail.com “I will cook today’s meal!” Eris suddenly proclaimed in the forest leading to the Red Dragon’s upper jaw. “Yes, I will! This is the first time we are camping out together Ghyslaine! I will cook the meal for you!” The girls are presently traveling to a certain place. They never got a chance to camp while on the road in the plentiful Asuran kingdom. Even though it’s just simple fare, it was easy to get food and shelter from the villages on the road. Today is the first time they are camping since they started their journey. “.......Is it going to be fine?” Looking at Eris overflowing with confidence, Ghyslaine felt a sense of danger. At least, the Eris she knows is not someone who is eligible to stand in a kitchen. She is someone who doesn’t know the difference between gripping a sword and a kitchen knife. Although, Ghyslaine’s not the one who should be finding fault with these things. “Leave it to me! I asked a guy called Geese to teach me cooking while we traveled together, I can do this!” “Geese? Does he look like a monkey?” “You are right! We met him on Millis continent!” Ghyslaine felt a sense of relief hearing those words and let down her guard carelessly. She calmed down even though Eris didn’t say she managed to get Geese to teach her. Ghyslaine knows that Eris met Geese while in the middle of their journey, from Rudeus. She can still feel the taste of the soup he makes when his face comes to mind. Mellow, warm and so rich in flavor that you won’t believe he made that from ingredients one would call shit. Even now, 10 years since they went their separate ways, her mouth would drool whenever she remembers that taste. “Is that so, then I will leave it to you” Hearing Ghyslaine’s words, Eris immediately started preparing the meal. She started with making the seasoning. Geese and Rudeus always grind together a few fruits or leaves for the seasoning when they cook. She once made Rudeus show her how he does it. Imitating Rudeus she picked a few similar-looking things on this journey. Black seeds and yellow-green leaves. The shapes are a bit different but it’s probably doesn’t matter. Ghyslaine also didn’t doubt anything as of this point. “This reminds me, Geese also always used to do things like this” thought Ghyslaine and continuously nodded, being impressed. The point where she started thinking something’s a bit weird is when Eris started frying the vegetables. She wondered why is she frying vegetables when she is supposed to make soup. That too in the animal fat, with a strong fire without using the spices prepared beforehand. She tried to remember whether Geese did anything similar, but on smelling the sweet fragrance of simmering fat, she threw her doubts to the wind. The point she started doubting that’s something is really weird is when Eris started grinding the meat. She started kneading the meat, mixing the seasoning prepared before and the fried vegetables. But she didn’t say anything this time as well. When she was in the party with Geese, if they hunted a bird-like game he used to say “Birds are best suited for meatballs” and ground the meat. She feels like they also ate those meatballs with the soup sometimes. The prey this time is not a bird but a boar………...but this is probably a trivial matter. “Aa” Ghyslaine unintentionally let out a sound when she saw Eris tossing those meatballs into the simmering pot. “What, do you have a complaint?” “.....Nah” After Ghyslaine’s reply, Eris also leaned her head with an “uh?”. Meat and the vegetables came apart inside the pot and turned the steaming liquid into a murky brown liquid. She wondered for just a moment, that it wasn’t like this when Rudeus or Geese cooked, they always stayed in the original shape while boiling. But Eris being Eris, looking at the meat spreading around, she just came to the conclusion that the taste shouldn’t be changing too much anyway. “With this, soup’s done” Eris let those words out confidently and took the frypan prepared beforehand in her hand. The soup didn’t come out as she thought, but there’s still one more item left. It’s the hamburger steak. Eris took the remaining meatballs and moved them to the pan placed on the fire. As one would expect, it’s a strong fire. The simmering fat from the meat jumped into the fire, making little pillars of flame right in front of Ghyslaine’s eyes. “The stronger the fire, the more tasty the meat” This is a line Eris borrowed from Rudeus. What she didn’t know is this is a line Rudeus used to make appropriate excuses for a culinary disaster. “I see” Ghyslaine understood it. So it’s like that, Ghyslaine thought and decided to remember it. And then, the cooking’s done. The bowl is full of brown murky soup. Little pieces of meat and mashed apart vegetables are floating on the surface. There’s a black-looking mountain piled on the plate. The meatballs made without a thickener crumbled apart and the already once-fried vegetables turned into char. “Well, go ahead” “Eris…. did Geese really teach such a dish?” “Geese didn’t teach me at all! I learned it from seeing him do it!” “....Is that so” Ghyslaine regretted disregarding her sense of danger and leaving it to Eris with her mouth drooling. Despite knowing that not heeding that sense is fatal on the battlefield. But now it’s too late. In front of her eyes, the black lumps are sitting motionlessly with a smell that says it’s dangerous to eat. However, no matter how strong the enemy in front of you may be, there’s nothing to do but defeat them. (This is a test) Ghyslaine decided on that conclusion with the way of thought that’s peculiar to sword god style. My lord is testing me for something. And it won’t do if I don’t satisfy the test. Right now, by eating the thing in front of her, she will pass the test. “...thanks for the food!” Ghyslaine closed her eyes and tossed THAT thing into her mouth. The very next moment, Phillip and Hilda appeared in a flower field that Ghyslaine never saw before and requested her to look after their daughter.